Writing an Instagram Bio
Yes, I know there was just a post about tips for writing a bio on any platform (if you haven’t checked it out you can view it here).
An Instagram bio, like any other bio, is the first impression of your brand. It should answer who, what, where, why (maybe even when). But the biggest difference between the Instagram platform bio and any other one is that you can really express your brand’s creativity with emojis!
Here are the sections of an Instagram bio:
You can utilize each of these sections to make sure that your bio has all the relevant information. The “Name” section on your profile doesn’t have to be your business name, it can be what services are offered/what your brand is. For example, you will notice the Name section for Social Mirror Media isn’t the business name, rather it is the services offered. The Username can now be the business name. You just ticked off two major points without taking away valuable characters from your bio section.
Now onto the bio section (the other two sections are pretty straightforward). For Instagram, you have a very limited amount of characters you can use to fill your bio, 150 to be exact. I suggest opening up that notes app on your phone and brainstorming. Here is how I structure the bio:
Start each line with an emoji that pertains to the statement being made or is relevant to your brand.
Add your tagline or something interesting that sets your brand apart.
Next, include info about what you do for your followers/audience/client. Use a few characters to describe this, even spacing out different words like the example here, and include keywords.
Include the location in the next line. This one can be removed if you are an online business or if the location is not relevant.
Finally, end your bio with a Call to Action. Ask your audience to go to your website, subscribe to your newsletter, etc. Since your website will be placed below this line, you can have the call to action be to click the link bio.
Bonus: if you still have room or are really good at condensing the information, have a line designated for your sale of the month, the date of your next show or IG live, or another date you want people to know about. This added section can be edited each month.
Now, why did I ask you to write it in your notes? For insurance, in case you click on your bio and accidentally delete it and it is the only way to include spaces between each line. So when you type it out on the notes app, type it out exactly how you see it in my bio (or how you would like it to appear). It won’t take up any additional characters this way.
Get your Instagram bio ready to serve the most information to your audience with the tips above. Leave your Instagram handle below if you’d like me to review your bio and I will send you a DM with any suggestions I may have!